IEJ Directors on Algemeiner’s J100 List

Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem Directors Hon Alfred Ngaro and Dr Sheree Trotter are honoured to be included in Algemeiner’s J100 list of top one hundred individuals who have positively influenced Jewish life over the past year.

The Algemeiner editors explained that the people on this list are a reflection of the rich and broad spectrum of Jewish life — those who have positively contributed and helped shape the Jewish future. “We want this list not to be a definitive one, but a type of snapshot and perspective of the Jewish world today.”

Alfred and Sheree acknowledge the many Indigenous peoples from around the world, past and present who love Israel and have longed for a platform for the Indigenous voice to be heard. This recognition is for them also.

Alfred Ngaro and Sheree Trotter on Algemeiner’s J100 list

The full list


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